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Friday, July 29, 2005

Chapter Eleven, in which The Beggar returns from a Day off

Yes, the elderly couple returned to the store. This time, they brought far fewer books. I was certainly not shown a Shakespeare. But I did see the Life of Christ, and about eight other rather old books, most in good to fair condition, though hard-to-find. The interesting story with these nice folks is that they sat down in the store, browsed a bit while I checked out the availability of some of their volumes, and when I made them an offer, they refused--not because it was too low, but because it was too high! I decided to meet their price, and we parted happy. So what lessons can be learned from this experience? Either this couple is of a mighty humble nature, or I am a mighty poor businessman. I can't speak for them, but as for myself, I hope to be something more than just a businessman. I want to be part of the community, to know my regular clients, to hear people's stories and learn something from them, and to give back when I can, all in the name of strengthening and growing the community.

I am full of ambition and I opened the store today knowing this little shop as such is just the beginning.

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