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Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Chapter One, in medias res

Yesterday we brought in about twenty titles in the category of Nursing. With the college nearby that has one of the best nursing programs around, these will be a great value to students. These titles typically run $30 or more, so with our prices in the teens, how can a cash-strapped student go wrong? As many other local businesses offer discounts to students from the college, we will follow suit, making the deal even better.
Today brings another five titles in Nursing, and many paperbacks in mystery, science fiction, and suspense. Complimenting these are about twelve beautiful coffee table books, mainly on American Indians, with a few various titles on general history. These books are helping to form the base of a growing collection on American Indians, peoples who have a rich local history here, and a subject which a local author has said is in demand.

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